
So EAGER to Launch

I desperately want to move out of this house. As in. Okay, I'm getting back to this stage again. The last time I experienced this thing, I found no excuse to move out [well of course way back that time, I was just starting my senior high school year]. Now, I'm going to college--to a very [well, not realy very] far university in the heart of the capital. This situation actually offers a great, reasonable excuse for me to move out and start living a great single life. But no, I was wrong. They're hindering me, stopping me and they actually want to confine me in this multiple cornered home I've been.

A lot of people who have heard my idea of condorm-ing said that it might be difficult. They always say that the mere fact that I have to do all the housework [cleaning, cooking, laundry] makes it very difficult. Well maybe yes, it will be difficult but I think I'm already used with those things. Living a life where maids and househelpers are very useless, I think I have already trained myself to do those things; well of course, except for the laundry because the automatic washing machine does that for us. I won't take any reason for me not to like moving out as of this moment--because I really want to. And if you're thinking of the safety of the place [well because Manila proper is not really the ideal place to live in], well let's not mind that, let me die if I should when that time comes.

What's driving me to these ideas? Well, if I tell you the whole story, probably you'll suggest that I just stab all the people here, including the canine dog sleeping right now. It's simple: I don't want to live with people who never saw nice things in me. I don't want to live with people who always blame me for every stupid/wrong/bad/unfortunate thing that happens. Like come one, was I born to be blamed for everything bad? I don't think so. Another thing, I don't want living with people who always tell me to change. Change. Change. Change. Actually, I really want to start a change. I want to start it with YOU but you keep on stopping me.

Since you always say that I'm a big burden and all you want to do is spend time with your 10-year-old son who I believe is gay, then why not send me out and we'd be both happy. Wouldn't it be nice if this plan pushes through? It will be; at least in my part.

Welcome, lovely February! :) &hearts

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