
Just can't get enough

It's 10:22 PM and I'm still awake. Yeah, I know that a big fraction of my batch is still awake up to this point of time because of the killer test tomorrow. That is, Physics. I have been reviewing for that hard subject for a total of 12 hours now. Yes, that long and I still don't feel adequately supplied by knowledge that I need for tomorrow. For 12 hours, I've been reading the Physics book alone and I'm really doing my best to absorb all that is written in the book. Blah. It seems that I don't absorb anything. My mind's not in a good state now and I'm really afraid of what may happen in tomorrow's test. I won't afford to see a failing mark when the test results come out on November. I can't and I should not see a failing mark. For this quarter, my Physics quizzes are not in any way satisfactory and that really scares me. That scares me. I'm gonna die of paranoia.

I'm sick--seriously. I'm not making this up. I've got slight fever, clogged nose, sore throat, teary red eyes and a myriad of sneezes per 5 minutes. I think I got this from my smelly cramped school bus last Monday. Grr. I have a third-grader busmate who was seated next to me and she kept on sneezing and sneezing. The windows were closed so there's no way the virus and bacteria from her sneeze to come out but to get in me. I hate this. I can sense that my voice is going to diminish tomorrow or I'm going to have a really bad voice.

I plan to do an in-depth reading of all my notes and the book after this entry. I won't sleep until I feel that I'm ready for tomorrow. I don't want to take the risk. I don't want to do the things that I've done during the test days last year. This is not Biology so I cannot really rely on my stock knowledge. Another problem is, I think nothing was stuck in my poor brain. It's overloaded. My cerebrum's gonna explode. My cerebellum's bleeding.

I'm really scared.

God, please help me. I know that you know how much time I've spent on this. I know that you know how tired I am now. I know you'll help me. :) Please.

Mass suicide na ng batch 2007 bukas. (yeah, sorry, we don't have a unique batch name..L)

**Dennis Trillo is hotter than hot! :D I've proven that with my eyes.



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